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Nova Camp Policies

Once you are registered, we hope that nothing interferes with your child attending camp at Nova Gymnastics Academy. However, if you must change your child’s camp registration, please be aware of our camp policies:


  • No credits or refunds will be provided for summer camp cancellations received. If you have an unforeseen circumstance that arises after the deadline, please contact us so we can best assist you in finding an appropriate solution.
  • Camp registrations remain in effect until a written notice of a cancellation is provided and confirmed by our staff. To cancel a camp registration, email directly for assistance.

    There are no additional fees for transferring a camp registration to a different week 


      • All camp transfers are subject to availability and must be requested a minimum of one week before the initial camp start date. One transfer per camp registration is permitted. 

      • Please note, once our programs are full the ability for us to accommodate camp transfers is limited. Please bring all camp registration issues / conflicts to our attention immediately, so we can best assist you in finding an appropriate solution.

  • Preschool-age campers must be toilet trained and self-sufficient in the restroom. Children must be able to attend without the use of pull ups or diapers. If you have any concerns regarding your child’s self-sufficiency in the restroom, please contact us directly.

    If your child is ill or, for any reason, misses one or more days of camp, no credits or refunds will be provided due to the absence.


    • After a camp commences, prorated credits and / or refunds are issued for medical reasons only and a doctor’s note must be provided. Prorated credits and / or refunds are based on the date Nova receives the doctor’s note at the front desk. If we are presented with a doctor’s note after the activity has passed, we cannot issue credits or refunds.


  • In the event that Nova Gymnastics Academy must cancel a program offered at our facility due to unforeseen circumstances that are beyond our control (including coach illness, extreme weather, power outage, gas leak, global pandemic, etc) we will do our best to  provide a full non-refundable credit on your account for any missed camp dates, but refunds are not guaranteed.

    If a child can not adhere to staff instruction and safety requirements, they will be removed from the program and a pro-rated refund will be provided for the remainder of the camp.

    • Please bring all camp registration issues / conflicts to our attention immediately, so we can best assist you in finding an appropriate solution.


Tel: 206.618.5946 

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1903 112th Ave NE

Bellevue, WA 98004

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